
这个网站主要是用来记录编程相关笔记,方便我在各个地方查看我的资料。 在工作目录下,大多数都是与我工作学习相关的资料,这些东西不一定是我自己写的,很大一部分都是我为了方便查阅资料,对一些资料复制粘贴的整合而形成的框架性的东西。其中一小部分,可能是我看书的笔记,以及一些特定问题的记录。笔记中的内容不一定是完全正确的。

目前从事于生物信息行业,平日里使用最多的语言是R, 其它的html, css, javascrip, python处于知道的的状态。我将一些数学相关的笔记放在这里。对二代测序懂一点点,常见的生物信息分析懂一点。我把常见的生物信息分析方法都放在我开发的R包easybio。数学不好,只能用别人写好的方法,调调包这样子。对用snakemake开发流程懂一点点,毕竟这是基于python的,而我对python一点点都不了解。

This is my website where I note down some of the issues related to programming. I am now working in the bioinformatics industry. My frequently used language is R, because it is easy to use data.table to process tabular-like data, ggplot2 to plot, and Rmarkdown to write reproducible reports(now there is an updated version of Rmarkdown: Quarto ). Also, it’s my first programming language learned(or more strictly, the second programming language because I learned C programming in my undergraduate career in 2018 years). I have developed the easybio package to simplify my daily work which provides an interface to common bioinformatic analyses and is easy to extend. Recently, I am learning something related to Web development to better use Rmarkdown and design my website at will since this website now is just copied from Yihui Xie using blogdown even though I think this website is fully satisfying to me and fits my taste.